Creating an alarm rule

Use the Create button at the top of the table to create a new alarm rule. The Create Rule dialog leads you through the following screens:

  • Alarm name — Enter a name for the alarm rule.
  • Priority — Select a priority level from the drop down.
  • Maximum Alerts per Device per Day — Use the drop-down to select the maximum number of alerts you want allowed for any device on one day.
  • Alarm Type — Select a type of alarm from the drop-down (Connection Status, Device Data Usage, Carrier Data Usage, SIM Data Usage, WAN Data Usage, Measurements, Geofence, or VPN Tunnel Status).
  • Make the desired choices for the selected alarm type and click Next.
    NOTE: For Geofence alarms, hover over the information icon for tips.
  • Select Devices — Use the checkboxes to select devices for the alarm rule or use the checkbox at the top to select all devices in the list. After making your selections, you can check the Show only selected devices box, if desired.
  • Select Groups — Use the checkboxes to select groups for the alarm rule or use the checkbox at the top to select all device groups in the list. After making your selections, you can check the Show only selected groups box, if desired.
  • Click Next.
  • Select User — Use the checkboxes to select which users you want to receive alarms for this rule or use the checkbox at the top to select all users in the list. After making your selections, you can check the Show only selected users box, if desired.
  • Enter Email Addresses — Enter email addresses for any additional users you want to receive alarms for this rule.
  • Click Finish.

The alarm rule appears in the list.

NOTE: When the alarm parameters are met, the following actions occur:
- The alarm appears in the Alarms List and remains there for 90 days, or until it is dismissed.
Users and email addresses selected in the Notify step receive an email with alarm details.