We ensure our customers receive high-quality, reliable devices they can trust.
Use the Reports page to create and run reports for data usage, signal quality, alarm history, and inventory.
The list provides details on all your Inseego Connect reports.
Report Name: The name of the report. Click on a name to edit the report.
Description: A description of the report.
Timeframe: The timeframe for the report.
Frequency: The schedule for the report.
NOTE: You can turn a schedule on or off by checking the box next to the report, clicking Schedule, or using the ON/OFF slider on the dialog.
Use the filter icon next to a column heading to view the type of searching and sorting capabilities for that column. Columns have unique filtering features and functions. You can drag and drop column headings to rearrange the column order in the table as desired.
Use the menu icon in the upper right to refresh or export the table.
Use the tools along the top of the table to create a new report or manage existing reports: