Tenants List overview

Use the Tenants List page to create, view, and manage subtenants.

The list provides details for all subtenants currently defined.

Child Tenant Name: The name assigned to the subtenant.

NOTE: When you click on a subtenant name, Inseego Connect resets to the subtenant and the Home dashboard for the subtenant appears. To return to the parent tenant, click parent tenant name in the header bar.

Status: The status of the subtenant: ACTIVE or SUSPEND.

Created On: The date and time the subtenant was created.

Application Tier: The tier of Inseego Connect the subtenant is registered on. This is usually the same tier as the parent tenant.

No of Device Registered: The number of devices currently registered on the subtenant.


Hover over a column heading and click the filter icon to view the type of searching and sorting capabilities for that column. Columns have unique filtering features and functions. You can drag and drop column headings to rearrange the column order in the table as desired.

You can make changes to a subtenant by selecting the checkbox next to the tenant you want to change and using the commands along the top of the table as shown below.

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