We ensure our customers receive high-quality, reliable devices they can trust.
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This tab displays detailed information used solely for troubleshooting or technical support.
Mobile Number (MDN): The phone number of your FW3000.
IMEI: The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for your FW3000. This is a 15-digit code used to uniquely identify an individual mobile station. The IMEI does not change when the SIM is changed.
IMEISI: A combination of the IMEI and an approval number for this type of device.
FW Version: The version of the firmware (software) currently installed on your FW3000.
SIM Status: The status of the SIM card*. If the SIM card is missing, or there is some form of SIM error, connection to the mobile network is not possible.
ICCID: The unique ID number assigned to the SIM card. This field is blank if there is no SIM card installed, or a SIM error condition exists.
PCI: The physical cell ID, used for downlink synchronization.
Status: The status of the network*.
Technology: Indicates the current cellular data connection, for example, 5G.
Band: The band in use for the current connection.
Bandwidth: The bandwidth in use for the current connection.
Network Operator: The name of the Mobile Network Operator (MNO).
Signal Strength: The strength of the cellular signal (RSRP), measured in dBm. Higher absolute values indicate a stronger signal, for example: -80 dBm is a stronger signal than -90 dBm.
SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio. The ratio of signal power to noise power expressed in decibels. SNR is a positive value, and higher numbers are better.
Roaming: Indicates whether roaming is on.
*If the SIM status is Connected or Ready, the Network Status is Connected, and the SIM appears active, but you cannot browse the internet, contact your service provider to check the status of the SIM and troubleshoot any APN issues. |