Software Update tab

Software updates are delivered to the MiFi automatically over the mobile network. This tab displays your current software version, last system update information, software update history, and allows you to check for new software updates.

Current Software

Modem Software Version: The version of software currently installed for the modem component.

OS Version: The version number for the operating system and its components.

Cute Version: The cute version of the software currently installed on your MiFi.

PRI Version: The configuration version currently applied to the MiFi.

Check for New Software Update

Last check for update: The date and time the MiFi last checked to see if an update was available.

Update status: This is area is usually blank. If you check for an update, the result of that check, or the download progress of an update displays.

Check for Update: Click this button to manually check for available software updates. If a new software update is available, it is automatically downloaded.

Last Software Update

This section displays details about the last software update.

Software Update History

This section displays details of the last updates that have been downloaded and installed to this device. If no updates have been installed, this section displays the current software version.

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