We ensure our customers receive high-quality, reliable devices they can trust.
Use this page to set options for notifications on your MiFi.
Stealth mode: Check this box to turn off the LED and audio capabilities of your MiFi. NOTE: If checked, other than the startup process, the MiFi touchscreen turns on only when the Power button is pushed.
Turn off sign-of-life LED: Check this box to turn off the LED status light. When unchecked, the LED blinks slowly as a “sign of life” when the touchscreen is not illuminated. This option is grayed out if Stealth mode is on.
Indicate alerts with screen: Check this box to turn on your MiFi touchscreen when an alert message displays. This setting is enabled by default.
Indicate alerts with sound: Check this box to have your MiFi make sounds upon startup, shutdown, and other various events. This setting is enabled by default. This option is grayed out if Stealth mode is on.
Check the boxes for the events you want to trigger an audio alert:
NOTE: This section is grayed out if the Stealth mode setting above is checked or the Indicate alerts with sound setting is unchecked.