We ensure our customers receive high-quality, reliable devices they can trust.
Inseego 5G SD EDGE, using EDGE Manager as the centralized management software to manage configuration and monitor the status of Inseego 5G SD EDGE modems, routers, and cloud-based routers, supports multiple use cases, even simultaneously:
The SD EDGE work from home solution provides seamless extension of corporate Wi-Fi to home office workers, offering fast, reliable corporate connectivity without having to rely on traditional VPNs and broadband connections.
The SD EDGE small office/home office solution prioritizes corporate-related traffic on the network over other data streams. No-touch remote management and OOBM provide for business continuity with device configuration and diagnostic capabilities. Corporate security rules and policies are easy to enforce.
5G SD EDGE WAN load balancing distributes flows between cellular and Ethernet WAN interfaces, optimizing and improving network bandwidth speed, overall performance, and redundancy.