We ensure our customers receive high-quality, reliable devices they can trust.
The Admin password is what you use to sign into the Admin web UI for a device. Because your devices are registered with SD EDGE, the Admin web UI has changed to:
Outdoor CPE | Local web admin UI |
FW2000e | |
Indoor router | Local web admin UI |
FX3100 | |
A default Admin password is assigned to each device.
You are prompted to change the Admin password upon first login (it is possible the professional installer performed this step – please ensure you have the new password). Change the password to something easy to remember and set up a security question that will help you securely recover your password if you forget what you changed it to.
NOTE: If the default password does not work, click Forgot Admin password, and answer the security question with “Inseego1234!”. Then follow the prompts to change your password.
IMPORTANT: It is critical that you change the Admin password from the default to keep the device and your network secure.
To change the Admin password:
1. Click the down arrow next to Sign Out in the top-right corner of any Admin web UI page and select Change Password.
2. Enter your current Admin password, then click Continue.
3. Enter your current Admin password again, then enter a new password and confirm it.
NOTE: The new password must have a length between 8 and 63 characters and contain the following: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, digit, and special character.
4. Select a security question from the drop-down list and type an answer to the question.
NOTE: Answers are case sensitive.
5. Click Save Changes.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the Admin web UI to change any local settings other than APN/SIM or WAN settings. All other settings must be made in SD EDGE Manager, including factory resets.