Wi-Fi is a ubiquitous technology, leveraged by individuals and businesses alike to provide connectivity for employees, patrons, and guests. It’s so ubiquitous that many people use the terms Wi-Fi and internet interchangeably.

This freely available and unlicensed spectrum operates in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ranges. It is used widely to support short-range communication in homes, offices, and for public-facing businesses, like coffee shops and retail stores. Access points create the wireless network to connect devices via radio signals using a wireless adapter, transmitting and receiving data packets to provide internet access.

Despite its ubiquity, Wi-Fi is not the only or even necessarily the best technology to connect to the internet and support private networks, particularly for businesses. While Wi-Fi is adequate for many businesses that have only very limited reliance on internet access or place low demands on their network, for those that need high-quality, far-reaching, and secure internet, Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) may be a better choice.

CBRS delivers superior performance, security, range, and coverage

CBRS is a shared spectrum band between 3.5 GHz and 3.7 GHz, which was recently made available by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States. It can be used to create private 5G or LTE networks.

Superior performance

The superior performance of CBRS is especially useful for enterprises and businesses that require reliable and high-performing networks for their operations. Faster speeds, lower latency, and higher bandwidth ensure applications such as cloud-sharing and video calling are fast and responsive.

Enhanced security

Businesses also tend to have greater security concerns and responsibilities than private citizens. Built-in security protocols, such as SIM card authentication commonly used in private cellular networks, make CBRS more secure than Wi-Fi.

Unlock lightning-fast 5G internet almost anywhere

Quality of service

For many enterprises, the applications they’re running are mission-critical, and slowdowns and outages can represent significant losses in income. CBRS’ guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) through prioritization and thresholding mechanisms ensures critical applications and services receive the necessary bandwidth and performance.

Structural & coverage advantages

Beyond superior performance, CBRS also offers structural advantages that make it better suited to support business needs. Its higher frequency band allows for a more extensive coverage area compared to Wi-Fi, which operates on lower frequency bands.

Cost effectiveness

Additionally, CBRS can penetrate through buildings and obstacles better, providing more reliable coverage and connectivity. Because spectrum licenses are sold on a shorter term basis, it can be more affordable for businesses, enterprises, and service providers to leverage CBRS as needed, as compared to purchasing spectrum licenses in other bands or building out expensive private Wi-Fi networks.

Efficient spectrum utilization

Finally, the dynamic sharing model of CBRS allows for more efficient use of the spectrum, leading to increased capacity compared to Wi-Fi networks. This means that more devices can connect to the network without creating congestion and slow downs.

Tiered access to CBRS affects cost efficiency

It’s important for businesses considering incorporating CBRS into their network to understand how it works.

The 3.5 GHz band of the CBRS spectrum was previously reserved for use by the U.S. Navy. The FCC has now made this band available for commercial use to increase the spectrum available for private wireless networks, especially in areas with poor coverage or high network congestion. To address all requirements, the FCC has broken the CBRS band into three tiers:

  • The first tier is for incumbent users, such as the military and government agencies who have priority access to the spectrum.
  • The second tier, known as the Priority Access License (PAL), is for commercial users who can purchase licenses to use the spectrum in specific areas.
  • The third tier, referred to as the General Authorized Access (GAA) tier, is open for anyone to use on a shared basis, as long as users adhere to FCC rules and regulations.

In other words, enterprises should likely be looking at the second tier of access because the first tier is unavailable, and the third tier is likely to be considerably more crowded, which will potentially hamper its performance. However, like the second tier, the third also offers superior performance compared to Wi-Fi and still benefits from CBRS’ inherently better coverage and security, making it potentially attractive as a budget-conscious option.

Inseego is an industry leader in 5G CBRS

CBRS is revolutionizing private LTE and 5G connectivity. With its superior security, speed, coverage, and capacity, CBRS is an excellent choice for organizations looking to create a private network.

Inseego is a leader in 5G networks, cloud management, and wireless communication solutions. Our fixed wireless access portfolio, which includes our CBRS Certified outdoor CPE and routers, enables enterprises, service providers, and other organizations to quickly and easily deploy CBRS networks for better connectivity. These solutions, combined with our wireless network expertise, make it easier for enterprises to take advantage of the many benefits that CBRS offers, including increased security, speed, coverage, and capacity.

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Contact us to learn more about how Inseego can help you get started with CBRS.